Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Of Mice and Men 

By John Steinbeck Pages #56-76

Prompt: From your brainstorming session, choose at least two conflicts to explore more in depth in this blog. Be sure to include textual evidence and support and also identify the effect that the conflict has had on the plot so far. 

    The first conflict I chose is Lennie and Curley fighting. The type of conflict is a Man vs Man conflict because it was two people fighting each other. The effect it had was very negative. It left Lennie scared and terribly sorry for Curley. It also left Curley with a demolished hand. I know this because ing the text it says, "'I didn't wanta, ' Lennie cried I didn't wanta hurt him.'...'Lennie was jus' scairt, ' he explained." This shows that Lennie was scared and sorry for hurting Curley. This conflict has had some effect on the plot so far. I think it will become even bigger however we are still reading on what is happening on the same night as the fight. 

    The next conflict I chose was Candy's dog dying. This type of conflict is Man vs Self because Candy's guilt for letting a stranger shoot his dog is making him have an inner battle with himself. The effect of this leads him overhearing and wanting to join in on the dream ranch. Also, his feeling of uselessness makes him want to contribute and join in on the dream ranch. I know this because in the text it says, "He said miserably, 'You seen what they done to my dog tonight? They says he wasn't no good to himself nor nobody else. When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me. But they won't do nothing like that. I won't have no place to go, an' I cant get no more jobs. I'll have thirty dollars more comin', time you guys ready to quit.'"This shows Candy is using his guilt to get in on the dream ranch. This conflict doesn't have that much big of an effect other than already getting more than half of the money they need.

     The final conflict I chose was Crooks being isolated from the other guys. The type of conflict is Man vs society because it is Crooks against the other guys at the ranch. The effect this had left Crooks depressed, lonely, grouchy, and needy. I know this because in the text it says, "' 'Long as you won't get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down.' His tone was a little more friendly...'A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya, ' he cried, 'I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick.' " This shows that crooks is lonely and likes talking to even Lennie because he is so alone and depressed. This doesn't have much effect on the plot, though it might in the future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/22/15 Blog

Of Mice and Men 

By John Steinbeck Pages #1-39

Prompt: Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. Be sure to include characteristics of different characters that were formally or informally introduced to us in this chapter. Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation. Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name?   What message, if anything, is John Steinbeck  trying to send by not giving her a first name?  Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation.

  The atmosphere in the ranch and the bunkhouse is tense. Every man fends for himself there. I think this because in the text it says, "'Say, what the hell you doin' listenin'?' ...'I wasn't listenin'. I was jus' standin' in the shade a minute scratchin' my dog. I jus' now finished swampin' out the wash house.' 'You was pokin your big ears into our business, ' George said. 'I don't like nobody to get nosey.'" This shows the atmosphere is hostile and tense because they were arguing with each other because George thought someone was listening to their conversation. There are serval dialogues like this. It shows the guys here get mad pretty easily.

   Some characters easily get more mad than others. Such as the boss, Curley, and sometimes George. The boss and his son both mainly affect the negative atmosphere because they both have a short fuse. I think this because in the text it says, "'Let the big guy talk.' Lennie twisted with embarrassment. George said, 'S'pose he don't want to talk?' Curley lashed his body around. 'By Christ, he's gotta talk when he's spoke to. What the hell are you gettin' into it for?' 'We travel together, ' George said coldly. 'Oh so it's that way.' George was tense and motionless." This shows the tone is tense between the two men. Therefore the atmosphere is mostly negative energy.

     I think Curley's wife doesn't have a name because she is irrelevant to main parts of the story. I think this because the boss doesn't have a name and he might only be important in the first few chapters. Curley's wife might not also have a name because she isn't deserving of one. I think this because in the book they call her a "...tramp..." and that could be a reason Steinbeck didn't think she deserved a name. The message he might be trying to send is you have to be a good enough person to earn a good name. I think this because it seems like Curley's wife isn't such a good person, so that could be why because she doesn't have a name.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The Birchbark House 

By Louise Erdrich Pages #27-177

Prompt: List five major events in order from which happened first to last.


   The first major event in this book is when Omakayas found the bears. This is important because even though the mother saw Omakayas with her cubs she didn't hurt her. This event leads on to finding that she might be special to the spirits. The second major event in the book was when Omamkayas and her sister were keeping the crows away from the corn. This is important because one of the hurt crows was taken in and kept as a pet. They named him Andeg and he becomes important later on in the story. 

      The third major event in this book was when they were setting up their cabin for winter. This is very important because they have to survive the winter. They spend most of the year drying hides and meats and berries for the winter. Winters in their location are freezing and dangerous if you are not prepared. It is important they spend so much time on the cabin and their supplies so they can last as long as possible. The fourth major event was when the visitor came. The visitor was a white trader, and after he visited he died of smallpox. After he came everyone had to be very careful, smallpox was incurable. 

      The final major event so far was when Omakayas family started catching smallpox. It started with her sister, then her mom, then her brothers, and then her dad, and finally herself. She lost her baby brother and everyone was very weak for a long after the sickness. Everyone was hungry for their sickness wasted all of their food. This in my opinion was the most major event so far because it was so impactful.