Thursday, October 29, 2015

1st Quarter Reflections

In this first quarter I have already learned a lot. I definitely still have stuff to work on. However, this quarter set me back on track. I am about four books in on my 40 book challenge (counting the ones for the summer reading project). My blogs on them are okay but I think I can do better. I just need to find the right format again. 

Some strategies that benefited me this quarter were time management and focusing on my work. Of course I still need to work on things like procrastinating and other things like that. However, I think time management helped me get things done. I should also put a little more effort into my work, the procrastinating side of me doesn't help with that unfortunately. I know what goals I need to set for the next quarter.

I feel this quarter I have learned a fair amount of information about the world. I learned about the refugees in Syria and places like that. I learned about their struggles and how no one should have to go through all that. I learned some moral lessons from Of Beetles and Angels. I learned to treat everyone with kindness no matter what they look like. I have a better sense of what is going on in the world now.

After this quarter I definitely think that my research skills have improved. I think this because I found a lot of good resources and information for my banned books project. That project helped get back on track. While we were reading "The Cask of Amontillado" I looked up every word I didn't know, I wouldn't have done that at all last year. I can also annotate better because of our AOWs and other things we've done. 

Overall, this quarter was very productive. I am organized and ready for the rest of the school year. I'm improved in my research skills and have more knowledge about the world. Of course I still need to work on things such as procrastination. The quarter was a good set off into the rest of the school year. 


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog for the week of 10/14/15

Prompt: List the personality characteristics of the main character (feelings, interests, behaviors, etc.)

Melinda Sordino has an interesting personality, she has gone through a traumatic experience, because of this she is quiet and depressed. Her experience is always in the back of her mind, she is constantly reminded of it where ever she goes. She is mute, she never speaks if she doesn't absolutely has to. Melinda doesn't have any interests except for maybe art. Other than that she would much just rather be in bed. 

           Melinda is very smart but her confusing feelings put an interesting point of view on the other characters. The author doesn't really describe how Melinda acted before her incident. However, I feel that her experience affected her point of view very deeply. I feel like this because she talks about her group of friends before the trauma happened. She seemed like a normal girl, she seemed to be happy with that life. After the misfortune she lost her friends, and basically everyone in school hates her now. Even though what happened was entirely not her fault.

             During Malinda's traumatic experience she was basically muted, she couldn't speak, she was completely speechless. She was stunned and panicked, which caused her to do something that everyone hated her for. Malinda's lack of being able to speak with ease causes her to release through biting her lips until they bleed and picking at her skin anxiously. Sometimes her lips cause people to give weird looks which causes her to do it even more. She was stuck in an awful cycle she created for herself because of her silence. 



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Hero and Angels

Haileab Asegedom found himself 
transformed in a monstrous black beetle
It hurt to see our parents struggle 
People always mistreated the Angels 
Because the Angels never looked liked Angels 
He said we should always treat them kindly because the are sent by God
Because the most unsightly beetles are sent from heaven 
He said a heart that sees Angels, a lifelong inspiration
We wanted to help them someday
He said a small act of kindness can become tomorrow's whirlwind of human progress

He might still be a hero
Tragic and flawed he might be
We have often thought of you
We look towards the heavens, your true home
Because you are but a visiter here