Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blog for the week of 10/27/14

Cut by Patricia McCormick

Pages #1-151

Prompt: Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you.

              A big difference between me and the main character Callie is that she is quiet. In fact she basically mute throughout most of the book. I think I talk a lot, sometimes a little too much. Her voice is also very small and quiet. My voice isn't loud but it isn't like I'm whispering either, it is more normal tone I guess. 

              A similarity we have is the way we think. She always distracts herself by looking out the window or counting the stripes on the walls. I tend to trail off myself when I'm bored, I usually just sit and space out. I don't really count stripes or things like that. She is also somewhat stubborn. If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't talk. I'm stubborn like that too, by procrastinating if I don't feel like doing it, I do it at last minute.

              A difference we have is running. Before Callie went into Sick Minds she was a runner. She thought it was easy and effortless. She felt like she could just escape when she is running. However when I'm running I get so tired really fast. I think running is one of the hardest things in the world. I feel for me you can use running as a punishment for me. I really hate it. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lillian, I do agree with you, you are totally not quiet! Nice job!
    -The one and only Evie
