Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Aphorism project

           The aphorism I chose was, "Sometimes you can't believe what you see; you have to believe what you feel." In general I just thought this quote was very powerful. I think Morrie was trying to say you can't judge things by the way they look or their labels or anything else; you shouldn't look at everything with clouded eyes. He was saying you have to try to look deeper than the surface. You can't just go around seeing things and judging things not knowing the whole story or only seeing things from your point of view. Basically what Morrie is trying to say is to put all differences aside and look at things with understanding and empathy.

             I can relate this aphorism to several different things. However, I'm just going to relate it to one thing. A few days ago I saw a video called "I am not black and you are not white" the whole point of the video was to get people to stop seeing things with labels. I feel that this relates to Morrie's aphorism because the message was to basically see things with your heart, not just your eyes. The message of both the video and the aphorism is to look at things label free and judgment free. Basically we just need to look and see things with an open heart and an open mind.

              I completely agree with this aphorism and its message. I agree with it because the message is just so positive and powerful. I believe that everyone believes what they truly feel, we would have a much more peaceful world. I think this because people are so quick to judge, even if they don't know the whole story or something like that. People have clouded vision because of what they are taught and what they think they believe. Deep down I know if people dug deep and saw things without bias or clouded vision, there would be a lot less problems.

"Uncloud your eyes, look at things with your heart." -Lilly M.

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