Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blog for the Week of 2/25/15

An Abundance of Katherines

By John Green Pages #1-24

Prompt:  Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

   I like what I'm reading. However, it is a little difficult to read. The author's word choice definitely affects the whole book. It makes it a lot more complicated that it actually is. The characters' dialogue also makes it confusing. They go back and forth so many times, I'm not even sure who's talking! I'm also having trouble on figuring out the point of view. It mainly shows Colin's thoughts, but it sometime shows Hassan's thought too. 

   Another reason this book is difficult for me is that the format of the author's writing makes it somewhat choppy and confusing. It keeps switching from one thing to another. At one moment I would be reading what Colin is thinking, and the next moment they are leaving Hassan's house to go on a road trip. The book moves really fast. It moves almost too fast to the point where I have to reread a whole chapter because I was confused.

   However, as confusing as it may be, the plot is pretty interesting. Colin only dates girls that are named Katherine. He has dating nineteen Katherines, and has been dumped nineteen times. The last Katherine he dated broke his heart and he became a mess. So, Hassan (his best friend) takes on a road trip to get him back on track. The story so far is just telling background information and details of the beginning of the trip. I feel that later on the trip will turn into something more serious, but I can't tell what that seriousness is going to be.


  1. Great blog Lillian! I'm glad I chose your blog for one of my weekly comments, because now I really am interested in this book's plot. Do you know if Colin will date anyone named Katherine no matter what? Does he actually think about the type of girl he is going out with? Next time just make sure you set yourself a specific plot to guide your blog, rather than just settling for a summary. Good job though! I liked how you expressed your thoughts on the format of the book, and not just the content.

  2. I really liked your blog! I wonder if Colin ever notices what kind of girl he is actually dating. I hope this is a good book to read because John Green is one of my favorite authors. He writes really good books. I just wanted to point out that in your 3rd paragraph you wrote dating instead of dated. Besides that nice job!

  3. Overall a great blog! I can relate to you about being confused about a book due to word choice. When I read "The Gunslinger" by Steven King, I also had to reread whole chapters to know where they were or what they were doing. At times I felt that I missed out on something. Although, back on topic, I feel like the last paragraph was a little bit off topic and was a sort of summary. But again, good blog!

  4. I've read this book...just wait until the end! Where are your comments?
